Please complete this form if you wish to petition for a course substitution.

A direct substitution is an alternate course from WUSTL or a study abroad program that is very similar to a course already listed in a minor/major. A course exception is a course which doesn't have an obvious, existing equivalent in the major but that you think is relevant and you would like to count toward a particular category of your minor/major.
Course substitution or exception petition request
If your desired course does not have an equivalent course currently in the major/minor but you would like this course to count toward your program of study.
If this is a direct substitution request...
Please give attention to why the course learning goals, content, skills, and level of depth make it an appropriate course substitution.

Attach syllabus below for existing course in the major.

Attach syllabus below for requested course.

If this is a special course exception...
Please give attention to why the course learning goals, content, skills, and level of depth make it an appropriate course substitution.

Attach syllabus for requested course below.

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