Metropolitan Environment


Understanding the forces shaping urban growth and change is increasingly important for addressing environmental issues. The United Nations projects up to 3/4ths of the world's population will live in urban areas by the end of the century. Urbanization rates now outpace population growth rates in many parts of the world. Changes within the metropolitan environment will have profound impacts on people and planet. This course provides an interdisciplinary overview of the metropolitan growth and change, paying particular attention to the role of planning, politics, and policy. Class time will be devoted to lectures, case studies, group activities and discussion. Student learning will be assessed through exams, online assignments, and a research paper on an environmental issues in a city of student's choice. This course is targeted toward first and second year students looking for foundational understand of urban environmentalism.
Course Attributes: AS SSC; EN S; FA SSC; AR SSC; BU BA

Section 01

Metropolitan Environment
INSTRUCTOR: Krummenacher
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025