Environmental Studies Senior Thesis Committee Potential Members
Committees for senior honors research consist of a thesis advisor (primary research mentor) and two supporting committee members.
Potential thesis advisors
These people are pre-approved to serve as thesis advisors (primary research mentors) for senior thesis research in Environmental Studies. Please inquire with individual people to ask if they will have current capacity for advising a senior thesis research project. Please note this list is not exhaustive. It will be filled out as we continue to identify faculty and staff willing and with capacity to serve as thesis committee members. If you would like to be added to this list or there is a faculty member you would like to serve on your committee who should be added to this list, please email environmental@wustl.edu.
- Adalsteinsson, Solny - Tyson Research Center
- Biro, Beth - Tyson Research Center
- Bowersox, Zachary - Political Science
- Catalano, Jeff - Earth, Environment and Planetary Science
- Deem, Sharon - St. Louis Zoo
- DeMatteo, Karen - Environmental Studies
- Fike, David - Earth, Environment and Planetary Science
- Gustafson, Bret - Anthropology
- Kidder, TR - Anthropology
- Krummenacher, Scott - Environmental Studies
- Losos, Jonathan - Living Earth Collaborative
- Loui, Suzanne - Environmental Studies
- Martin, Beth - Environmental Studies
- Medley, Kim - Tyson Research Center
- Michaelides, Roger - Earth, Environment and Planetary Science
- Myers, Jonathan - Biology
- Pardini, Eleanor - Environmental Studies
- Parks, John - Environmental Studies
- Parks, Jonathan - Environmental Studies
- Penczykowski, Rachel - Environmental Studies
- Richardson, Jill - Anthropology
- Schaal, Barbara - Biology
- Van Riper, Froggi - Environmental Studies
- Van Riper, Froggi - Environmental Studies
- Westby, Katie - Tyson Research Center