Ampersand: Pathfinder - A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis


Go exploring in and around St Louis. You'll learn about the St. Louis backyard, and your "home" for the next four years. Through field trips, readings, and discussion, you'll see first-hand what challenges face the environment and the people who live here. You will learn how to examine multiple perspectives, how to think critically and how to approach problems from an interdisciplinary and holistic approach. You'll also learn why it is important to know a community at the local level if you're going to affect change on any level-state, national, or international. In addition to weekly readings and discussion, this class includes several field trips.
Course Attributes: BU SCI; AS NSM; AMP

Section 01

Ampersand: Pathfinder - A Sense of Place: Discovering the Environment of St. Louis
INSTRUCTOR: Martin, Rectenwald
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025