Advanced GIS


This course is designed to move beyond tools and skills learned in Applications in GIS (EnSt 380/580). Classes will feature hands-on exercises selected to help you master advanced GIS analysis tools and techniques, while providing experience in the planning and execution of real-world projects. Primary emphasis will be on applying fundamental GIS concepts, performing spatial analysis, developing proficiency with core ArcGIS software (e.g., Network Analyst extension), resolution of problems, and efficient delivery of results. Readings from books and scientific literature will introduce key concepts and provide real-world examples that will be reinforced in the hands-on exercises, assignments, and projects. As the semester develops, you will gain a variety of new tools and techniques that will allow you to complete a final independent project that integrates the material learned during the course. Prerequisites: EnSt 380 or EEPS 3883 or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; AR NSM; AS NSM